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Donate to the Foundation

Make a Gift or Send a Tribute Card

The Mission of the Foundation is supported by personal, chapter and corporate contributions, testamentary gifts, and fundraising efforts such as the Foundation Silent Auction at the ALA Annual Conference & Expo. Contributions to the Foundation are tax-deductible and can be made in honor of a specific individual or chapter.

Your continued support helps us to continue to deliver on the important initiatives of the Foundation and the Trustees are thankful for each dollar donated.

2024 Fall Campaign Goal: $5,000

ALA's 2024 Fall Campaign   

Make a Donation

You can make a monetary contribution online using a credit card, or complete the donation form and mail it with your contribution to:

The Foundation of ALA
8600 W. Bryn Mawr Ave.
Suite 400N
Chicago, IL 60631 USA

Send a Tribute Card

These days, it’s a rare treat to get a card in the mail. Now the Foundation can help you brighten someone’s day or honor a loved one’s memory with one of these tribute cards.

Just select the “In Honor of/In Memory of” option when you donate online or via mail. Fill in the recipient’s name and address, so we can send the card right to them. They’ll receive one of these personalized cards acknowledging your donation.


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