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Growing Seeds Program

Nurturing the Future of the Legal Management Profession

Audrey Hepburn said that “to plant a garden is to believe in tomorrow.” To grow a seed means nurturing it through the various stages of development until it blossoms into maturity. That’s the spirit behind the Foundation of ALA’s new Growing Seeds Program.

This new program provides financial support (seed money) to members and chapters working to develop an idea and make it a reality to benefit the legal management profession. Applicants are encouraged to be creative and design a project or initiative that aligns with the Foundation’s Mission Statement, will resonate with your target audience and will produce your desired outcome.  

Get Growing

The application period is currently closed. An annual call for applications takes place starting August 1 with an application deadline of September 30. Applicants will fill out a form that will be available during the call window. Recipients will be selected and notified by November 1.

Any ALA chapter or individual member in good standing actively developing an inclusive, formalized project or initiative that is representative of the Foundation’s mission may apply to receive seed money to launch the initiative.

Seed money awarded will not exceed $1,000 and may be less contingent upon the number of applications received and approved for funding.

Application Requirements

 Here’s an overview of what you’ll need when applying:

  • Chapter Name/Independent Member Name
  • Chapter President and Contact Information (if applicable)
  • Primary Contact’s Name and Contact Information
  • Project/Initiative Plan: Describe the project and its purpose. Outline a detailed plan identifying the target audience, activities, implementation timeline, resources required for successful implementation, and how the initiative will advance and reflect the Foundation’s mission.
  • Goals/Objectives/Outcomes: Define the goals, measurable objectives, and anticipated outcomes aligned with the objectives, demonstrating the impact your project will have on those it is designed to serve.
  • Needs/Problems/Issues Statement: Articulate the specific needs, problems and/or issues your project aims to address, emphasizing their significance and the gap your project is designed to fill.
  • Evaluation Plan: Describe how you will assess the effectiveness and impact of your project or program.
  • Budget: Present a detailed and realistic budget that accurately reflects the financial resources required to support your project and how you plan to use funds that are granted by the Growing Seeds program.
  • Sustained Impact: Describe the desired or anticipated impact your project will have on the target audience, including the potential benefits for the audience, ensuring sustainability beyond the initial seed money award.  

Expectations of Recipients

We want to share all the impactful work you are doing with your seed money! We’ll ask you to report in with project updates. Plus, you’ll help us spread the word by participating in promotional activities about the Growing Seeds Program (e.g., providing testimonials, being photographed for Foundation media channels).

Questions About the Growing Seeds Program??

We are here to answer any questions you may have about this new initiative. Email us any time at [email protected]

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