Continuing Education Credits
Certified Legal Manager (CLM)® Credit
All sessions at this conference that count for CLM application and recertification credit are noted in the session descriptions. Simply list the sessions on your CLM Initial Certification or Recertification application worksheet.
CLM Application Credit 
All applicants for the CLM program must meet certain education prerequisites before sitting for the CLM exam.
CLM ® Application Credits for Functional Specialists
The following sessions offer application hours required of some functional specialists to fulfill the CLM application:
- OM10: We're All in This Together: Risk Management Considerations for Law Firm Staff – 60 minutes in Operations Management
- LI10: Risk Management in Cyberia: Safeguarding Law Firm and Client Information – 60 minutes in Legal Industry/Business Management
- HR20: Strategies for Managing Remote Teams – 60 minutes in Human Resources Management
- OM20: How the Future of Remote Work Impacts Organizations – 60 minutes in Operations Management
- HR30: Got Resilience? How to Leverage Your Resilience Factor – 60 minutes in Human Resources Management
- CM30: Rebound and Prosper: How Resilient Is Your Organization? – 60 minutes in Communications and Organizational Management
CLM Recertification Credit
All sessions at this conference count for CLM recertification. Use this education tracking form to track your credits.