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What to Expect After the Certified Legal Manager Exam

Getting Your CLM Results

Once you’ve done the work, you’ll be eager to find out how you did. Here’s what you can expect after you've taken the exam. 

Exams are scored by our independent consultant ― Human Resources Research Organization (HumRRO) ― who provide each candidate a pass or not-pass exam report that indicates, by percentage, how well you did in each subject area.

Following your exam, all candidates will promptly receive a notice indicating either a 'pass' or 'fail'. Once the exam scores have been received, ALA's Certification Center manages individual notifications. These notifications are sent by email to the candidates' preferred addresses within two weeks of the exam date. All exam and applicant information are handled with the strictest confidentiality. Scores are provided to examinees only. ALA endeavors to maintain strict confidentiality of all test results.

Address Change

Your examination score report will be sent to the preferred address you provided on the application unless the CLM Certification Center is notified otherwise. Email all changes of address to [email protected].

Passing Score Determination

The passing score for the CLM exam will be determined using an Angoff Method-based criterion-referencing process. This process is the standard in the certification industry. It helps to ensure that a test’s passing score reflects an absolute performance standard that stays the same, regardless of how well or poorly a particular group of examinees performs on a given administration of the test. Each year the Certification Committee reviews the exam to ensure the accuracy and currency of the content.

Certification Certificate

When you pass the exam, an electronic certificate, which displays that you earned the CLM designation, will be emailed to you approximately two weeks after you receive your exam results.

ALA Release Form: Notification of Your Achievement When You Pass

Before the exam, you will be asked to complete a Release Form that will inform ALA of who you would like notified that you have passed the exam (e.g., your immediate supervisor or your firm’s managing partner). These notifications are only sent when you pass the exam.

Failure to Pass the Exam

If you do not pass the exam, you will receive an email notification that includes an exam report detailing how you did in each subject by percentage of correct answers.

By identifying your strengths and weaknesses, this report can be helpful should you decide to undertake further study initiatives and/or retake the exam.

Remember: You can retake the exam two times within 48 months from the date of your application. To sign up to retake the exam, send a request to [email protected] before the application deadline for the exam date of your choice and pay the retake fee.

Denial and Revocation of Certification

Certification will be denied or revoked if a candidate does not pass the examination or if there is evidence of misrepresentation of qualifications, falsification or cheating. Failure to pay maintenance fees or meet recertification requirements will also cause the designation to be revoked.

Those whose designation has been revoked for any reason may no longer represent themselves as Certified Legal Managers or use the CLM acronym.

Keep Your Contact Information Current

If your email changes, let us know! Your exam notification will be sent to the preferred email address you provided on the application unless the CLM Certification Center is notified otherwise. Email all changes of address to us at [email protected]

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