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Legal Management Magazine

July/August 2024

Leadership, Inclusivity and Culture

Uplifting employees so they feel valued and included should be a critical part of your firm's strategy.

The legal industry has made notable strides in increasing diversity in the past decade — between 2013 and 2023, the percentage of female lawyers increased, and the number of lawyers of color working at law firms nearly doubled. Having a more diverse workforce, however, doesn’t guarantee everyone within a firm will feel welcome and involved. Finding out can be key, given the profound impact inclusivity can have on a firm’s culture — which can, in turn, influence retention, productivity and numerous other operational elements.  Read more.



Confronting Substance Use in the Workplace

Learn strategies for keeping employees safe, healthy and productive at your firm.

Alcohol. Marijuana. Amphetamines. Cocaine. Heroin. Codeine. Morphine. Barbiturates. Staff members under the influence of any such substance — legal or otherwise — threaten the health of your law firm — and the well-being of the struggling employee. Here are some things to consider if you are faced with this issue in your firm. Read more.


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