Members on the Move

Stacey M. Bales, a member of the East Bay Chapter, is now Firm Administrator at Brothers Smith LLP in Walnut Creek, California.

Jaime M. Farabee, a member of the Kentucky Chapter, is now Firm Administrator at Tachau Meek, PLC, in Louisville, Kentucky.

Joni L. Pardue, a member of the Kentucky Chapter, is now Legal Administrator at Seiller Waterman, LLC, in Louisville, Kentucky.

Scherri M. McGinn (not pictured), an Independent member, is now Office Administrator at Kilgore & Kilgore, PLLC, in Dallas, Texas.
Congratulations Are in Order!
Kudos to ALA’s newest CLMs! These individuals have demonstrated their detailed knowledge and dedication to the legal management profession by passing the Spring 2024 Certified Legal Manager Exam and have receiving their CLM designation.
Thank you for all you’re doing for the legal management community!
- Danielle Cerny, CLM
- Summer S. Jurrells, CLM, PHR, SHRM-CP
- Michelle Howe, CLM, PHR
- Laura Holler, CLM
- Thomas Nicholas Tyszka, CLM
- Ray Hanna, CLM
- Kathryn S. Walton, CLM
- Terah J. Drent, CLM