2017 Regional Conference Preconference Workshops
Day One: Legal Lean Sigma® and Project Management White Belt Certification Course
(West) Wednesday, September 6, 2017 1:00 PM - 5:00 PM
(East) Wednesday, October 11, 2017 1:00 PM - 5:00 PM
Today's legal and business professionals are faced with new challenges and opportunities to help their firms and departments deliver greater value. Whether you are a legal marketer, lawyer or service provider, there is increasing pressure to be more efficient, develop and employ strategies and tactics based on the client perspective, and reconnect costs to the value received. Legal Lean Sigma® and project management are not just about doing more with less; they are about doing the right things and doing them right.
In this session, you'll examine how process improvement helps to determine the best way to carry out a certain kind of work to produce efficiency, excellent quality and service, high probability of successful outcomes, predictability, and greater satisfaction. Through project management, you'll ensure that you are using your best processes and applying them appropriately to actively manage projects and deliver what is most critical for success, on time and under budget. In this interactive course, you'll take part in experiential learning, table work and discussions.
You'll also learn about ALA's ambitious Uniform Process Based Management System (UPBMS) project designed to advance the legal management profession through the development of a comprehensive system of codes, a taxonomy that encompasses the wide variety of processes needed to support the practice of law.
- Discuss Six Sigma, Lean, project management and other methodologies and tools in contexts that are immediately useful and relevant to the work legal management professionals do.
There is an additional fee for this preconference workshop which includes both day one and day two:
NONMEMBER $895 before July 13 or $995 July 14 and after

Timothy Corcoran is a Principal with the Corcoran Consulting Group. He advises law firm leaders, in-house counsel and legal service providers on how to profit during a time of great change. This includes assisting law firm leaders with business strategy —primarily in the areas of operational excellence and business growth — and assisting in-house counsel with the development and management of preferred provider programs. He also advises legal service providers on market dynamics and sales force readiness. Addiontally, Corcoran is an expert on law firm and in-house counsel relations and is a popular lecturer on business development and operational issues.

Catherine Alman MacDonagh teaches and provides training and consulting services in process improvement and project management, strategic planning, marketing and business development. A Legal Lean Sigma Black Belt and a certified Six Sigma Green Belt, MacDonagh is the Chief Executive Officer and a Founder of the Legal Lean Sigma Institute (LLSI). A former corporate counsel and law firm executive, she is now an adjunct professor at Suffolk Law School and at George Washington University's Masters in Law Firm Management Program, and the author of Lean and Six Sigma in Law Firms.
- 240 Minutes
- CLM App Management Category -FS: Operations Management
- CPE Field of Study: Business Management & Organization
- CLE: Law Practice Management
Day Two: Legal Lean Sigma® and Project Management White Belt Certification Course
(West) Thursday, September 7, 2017 7:30 AM - 11:00 AM
(East) Thursday, October 12, 2017 7:30 AM - 11:00 AM
Continuation of Preconference Workshop: Legal Lean Sigma® and Project Management White Belt Certification Course
There is an additional fee for this preconference workshop which includes both day one and day two:
NONMEMBER $895 before July 13 or $995 July 14 and after
- 195 Minutes
- CLM App Management Category -FS: Operations Management
- CPE Field of Study: Business Management & Organization
- CLE: Law Practice Management